First Monday of Lent 2020

Here are the reflection questions for the first video:

Preparing for Lent, with Fr. Mike Schmitz


1. Lent is about becoming more like Jesus. In what ways do I need to take steps in order to follow Him more closely, and to conform my life to His? How can I let God use this time of Lent in me to make me the person He wants me to be?

2. Lent originated as a time of purification and enlightenment. What is still in my life that can't be there if I'm going to follow Jesus? That is purification. How do I become a saint? That is enlightenment.

3. The three main ways that Jesus has taught us to live purification and enlightenment are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It may be helpful to pick one thing to do/give up in each of the following areas:       

-What is one way I can develop my relationship with Jesus in prayer during Lent? It is a good idea just to start with one simple way.         -What is one thing I want to fast from during Lent?        -Almsgiving: how can I let God use me during this time to bless others? This could be through money, time, acts of service...