Being an Altar Server is not a requirement of every young person in the parish when they reach a certain grade, nor should it be the requirement of a family member. Altar Servers like all ministers serve God and their parish from the heart. It is something they want to do. Altar Serving is a commitment of both the server and his or her parents.
Altar Servers assist the priest with various roles throughout the mass. They are visible to the
entire assembly. Altar Servers should never be the center of attention or a distraction during any mass or rite of the church. -
The requirements to be an alter server are:
Registered Member of the Parish
Fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptized and First Eucharist)
Altar Servers must be in at least the 4th grade or have prior permission. (We also encourage families to consider this ministry).
The Archdiocese of Seattle and St. Nicholas Parish allow both boys and girls to be altar servers. No distinction is made between boys and girls, so the term Altar Server is used for those assisting the Priest at the altar during the mass.
Participating Catholic (attends Mass every Sunday & makes regular Confession) with a prayerful devotion to the Liturgy and the Eucharist
For more information about the Altar Server ministry please contact the parish office at 253-851-8850 x 8, or email Mark McKibben, Director of Liturgy for Parish Family 52 at markmck@stnicholascc.org .
Your information will be given to the Altar Server Coordinator, who will contact you and set up a training date.
Fr. Mark and his team of volunteers maintain the beauty of our church interior by arranging artwork, flowers, plants, and banners for liturgical seasons and major feasts. Help is especially appreciated during Christmas, Holy Week, and Pentecost.
Corinne McKibben
(253) 851-8850
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the priest in distributing the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Their love for the Eucharist is reflected in their love for the members of the Body of Christ, the Church. The celebration of Mass as the action of Christ and the People of God is the center of the whole Christian life for the Church both universal and local, as well as for each of the faithful individually.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also take communion to the sick and home-bound, providing a link between all parishioners: those who attend Mass and those who are not able.
The requirements to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion are:
Registered Member of St. Gabriel, St. Nicholas, or Prince of Peace.
Fully initiated Roman Catholic (received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
At least 16 years old.
If married, must be a validly married in the Catholic Church by a Priest or Deacon.
Participating Catholic (attends Mass every Sunday and make regular confession).
Attend required trainings as scheduled.
For more information about the EMHC ministry please contact the parish office at 253-851-8850 x 8, or email Mark McKibben, Director of Liturgy for Parish Family 52 at markmck@stnicholascc.org .
Your information will be given to the EMHC Coordinator, who will contact you and set up a training date.
“The reader has his own proper function in the Eucharistic celebration and should exercise this even though ministers of a higher rank may be present” The ministry of reader, conferred through a liturgical rite must be held in respect”. (General Principles for the Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God, 51) “It is necessary for those who exercise the ministry of reader, even though they have not received are not institution be truly qualified and carefully prepared, so that the faithful may develop a love for Sacred Scripture from listening to the sacred readings. “The technical preparation should make the readers more skilled in the art of reading publicly, either with the power of their own voice or with the help of sound equipment. (General Principles for the Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God, 55).
The requirements to be a Lector are:
Registered Member of St. Gabriel, St. Nicholas, or Prince of Peace.
Fully initiated Roman Catholic (received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
At least 16 years old.
If married, must be a validly married in the Catholic Church by a Priest or Deacon.
Participating Catholic (attends Mass every Sunday and make regular confession).
Attend required trainings as scheduled.Description text goes here
For more information about the lector ministry please contact the parish office at 253-851-8850 x 8, or email Mark McKibben, Director of Liturgy for Parish Family 52 at markmck@stnicholascc.org .
Your information will be given to the Lector Coordinator, who will contact you and set up a training date.
Sacristans make sure that the priest, deacon, ministers, and people have what they need to perform the Rites of the Church. Sacristans set up the sacred vessels, missals, liturgical books, announcements, and prayers of the faithful prior to mass. Sacristans assure that altar servers and ministers are in the right place at the right time during the liturgy.
Mark McKibben
(253) 858-2920
Do you sing or play an instrument? We would love to have you offer your talents during the celebration of Mass. "The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul." - J.S. Bach
Amy Gallwas
(253) 858-8850 x7
Ambassadors fill the crucial role of serving as the "first face" of the parish and welcoming newcomers. Ambassadors greet parishioners as they enter the church and help seat them as needed. Ambassadors also manage the collection and hand out bulletins after mass.
Mark McKibben
(253) 858-2920
“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”